A Comparison Of Online & In-Person Personal Training

Online Personal Training has been a service we’ve been offering for a while now. If you don’t know what it is click here to read more; essentially we give you everything that you need and just aren’t there In-Person training you, and we guide you through your program as you do it.

Initially when we started offering it as a service, it took some time to get exposure and really help people understand what it is and how it could benefit them. It’s still not a well understood service and I wanted to write a quick post to highlight some of then benefits and differences between traditional In-Person Personal Training and Online Personal training.

Here is a table that highlights a few different variables and how Online Personal Training can be advantageous to In-Person Training. The below table is a resource from the Online Trainer Academy (something I took to become a certified Online Trainer; yes there is a certification course you can take, although not necessary – I did it to ensure that I can be the best trainer for my clients) and is more specific to the industry and not exactly specific to my company (e.g. our pricing range is S50-300, not S100-500 per month).

As you should see from the table above, Online Personal Training has a lot of benefits; I’ve specifically wrote a more in-depth post about these benefits here. That being said, you need to pick the training type that is most effective for you. I will give you an example of two different clients that I have, where each training type is best suited for them:

  • In-Person Training Client: this client is a Dentist and has a hectic time schedule, between work, his farm, and family time he’s really busy. This client needs to “book off time” to train with me, otherwise he won’t commit to exercising. The flexibility that Online Personal Training offers is almost “too flexible”. He tried Online Personal Training, but what ended up happening is he’d get carried away doing something, or was flexible with a family commitment only to end up “running out of time” and not working out. In contrast In-Person training ensured he blocked off time to commit to exercising. Further, for him it is social time, “guy time” if you will. It offers him time away from work, family, and everything else, to counter poor work-related postural issues, and to keep himself healthy. In this case In-Person Personal Training is best suited for him and his lifestyle.
  • Online Personal Training Client: this client is an Engineer and also has a pretty hectic time schedule. She made a choice to lose some weight, in a serious way. But, she needed some help. She had a Personal Trainer in the past, but felt she didn’t need one In-Person anymore. Rather, she just needed some guidance about what to do, how often, etc. Also, she needed someone as an on-going resource for questions, accountability and motivation. Online Personal Training turned out to be very successful for her and she lost a lot of weight doing it; it really helped her by having a support system along the way to help guide her through a few “bumps” in the road on her path to her goal weight.

These are just two examples of clients i’ve worked with. The take-home message is that there are Pros and Cons to both approaches. Like a diet, and many other things in life, you need to find what works for you and do that.

Till next time,


About the Author: Michael Fouts

Mike is the Owner of OverHaul Fitness. He has helped many clients successfully lose weight; and keep it off. In his spare time you can find him eating sandwiches (the solid, or liquid barley form: Beer), watching thought provoking movies or tv series (like Westworld), or doing something active like squash, hockey, or training for triathlons. Click on the link above, or HERE, to read more about Mike.

Get in touch with Mike:
E: Mike@overhaulfitness.ca
C: 780-340-4300
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