Client Feature: Self-Motivated Boss Babe & Busy Mother Two

This client feature is about Ally, who was the winner of OverHaul Fitness’s Facebook draw for 3 months of Free Personal Training! Get to know more about her below.
Who is Ally?

Ally is a busy lady! She not only has a two year old boy and a new baby girl, but she also works two jobs! She is a Pampered Chef consultant and she is also an academic administrator for NAIT’s alternative energy program – which she is currently on maternity leave from.

Ally enjoys scrapbooking, reading, and she loves to travel. She’s done road trips, and several other trips around North America; however her favorite place in the world is Newfoundland! Yes, by’e. She even almost moved to Newfoundland after a trip there when she was 18.

How did you find out about OverHaul Fitness?

She discovered Overhaul Fitness through the Facebook draw,  it was shared by a friend on Facebook and she researched OverHaul Fitness a little more and then decided to enter it!

What is the biggest takeaway you want from working with OverHaul Fitness for 3 months?

She entered the draw because she wanted to get back in shape. She used to be more active, and even trained with a trainer before – AND she enjoyed it. However, “life happened,” she’s had children, etc., and had a hard time being active. So, one of the biggest takeaways she wants from working with Overhaul Fitness is the education and habit forming information that will set her up for long-term success; even after her 3 months of free training are finished.

Ally’s biggest foreseeable obstacle(s):

Getting frustrated when results don’t happen “when they should” or when everything “should” be working and the weight should be coming off.

What’s something no-one knows about Ally?

Something that not many people know about Ally is that in college she curled in the Edmonton Super League, which also happens to be the same league that Olympic gold medalist Kevin Martin curled in!

What is one dream or aspiration Ally wants to achieve in the next 5 years?

In 5 years she would like to have finished her marketing degree, which she is currently taking part-time at NAIT. Also, she’d like to own her own marketing consulting company.

Follow Ally’s Journey:

Follow us on one of our social media channels, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or sign up to our email list and we’ll update you there. Or, follow her on Instagram: @allybadry

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