From Health to Court: How Weight Training Benefits Racquet Sports Athletes

Sep 23/2024, by Michael Fouts

Read time: 3 minutes

So, why should you exercise in the first place? Whether you’re aiming to feel better, improve your health, or level up your racquet sports performance, exercise plays a crucial role.

Here’s the scoop: For general health, the benefits are endless—less stress, more energy, better sleep, a mood boost, and even a little extra social fun to lift your mental health. When it comes to racquet sports (think tennis, squash, pickleball), the perks shift more towards performance, which we’ll get into soon.

How Often Should You Be Exercising?

Health Canada recommends 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per week. This means just about 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, to get your heart rate up and break a sweat.

For racquet sports performance, your training might look a little different. Regular movement is still key, but focusing on sport-specific training will help you move quicker, be more agile, and recover faster.

What Kind of Exercise Should You Do?

For general health, the best type of exercise is the one you actually enjoy. It doesn’t need to feel like a chore. Whether it’s dancing, walking, or playing your favorite sport, the goal is to keep moving in a way that you love.

But there’s one big “must-do” as you get older—weight-bearing exercises. Once you hit 40, weight training becomes even more critical to maintain muscle mass, protect your bones, and keep you strong. Why? Because if you don’t use it, you lose it.

Why Weight Training?

Weight training isn’t just for gym buffs or bodybuilders; it’s essential for everyone. Here are some key reasons why:

  • Prevent muscle loss as you age.
  • Keep your bones strong, especially for women.
  • Improve strength, which means everyday tasks like walking up stairs or carrying groceries feel easier.
  • Boost your metabolism, which helps with weight management.
  • Improve posture and confidence.
  • Prevent injuries by strengthening muscles around your joints.
  • Enhance sports performance—you’ll move faster and with more endurance, helping you stay sharp on the court.

How Often Should You Do Weight Training?

The answer depends on your goals:

  • For general health and injury prevention, aim for at least 2 sessions per week, 30 minutes each.
  • For weight loss or maintenance, the same recommendation holds—2 times per week to help preserve muscle while losing weight; but, more exercise – unspecific to strength training – will help increase rate of weight loss
  • For sports performance, aiming for 2-3 sessions per week is ideal. You’ll need the extra focus on strength and power for those fast-paced court moves.

What Exercises Should You Be Doing?

  • For general health and injury prevention, work on all muscle groups, paying extra attention to any weaker areas or postural issues.
  • For weight loss, prioritize compound exercises (movements that involve more than one joint, like squats) to get the biggest calorie burn.
  • For sports performance, focus on the muscles you use most in your sport, such as your legs for racquet sports, while still hitting other major muscle groups for balance.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

  • Start light, especially if you’re new to weight training. It’s tempting to jump into heavy lifting, but learning proper form is key.
  • If you’re new to weight training, your strength will improve fast. This is mainly because your brain and muscles start working together better, not because you’re building tons of muscle right away.

Weight training isn’t just for the gym rats—it’s a crucial piece of both general health and racquet sports performance. Whether you want to feel stronger, prevent injuries, or get an edge on the court, it’s worth making time for strength sessions. Keep it fun, stay consistent, and watch your body transform both on and off the court!

Do You Play Squash?

If so, we have a workout program for you! We put a bunch of different workout programs together that might benefit you. Click here for more information.

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