Look Good Feel Good (Naked!) Program.

A Little Bit About The Name…

This program will help you lose fat and build muscle. This is one way to Look Good Feel Good (Naked!). But, we acknowledge that this should be a subjective definition to be created by you. Our Coaches will help you create that definition for yourself during this program.

Other possible benefits from committing to this program:

  • Better sleep – and possible less snoring if you snore
  • Reduced stress – physical activity is a healthy outlet for stress
  • Stronger – be able to do one trip wonders with your groceries easier
  • Improved energy – be able to play with your kids after work easier
  • Improved mood – be less of a grumpy gus
  • Improved mental clarity and focus – exercise promotes blood flow to the brain, leading to improved cognitive function, sharper thinking, and better memory

A Little Bit About The Program…

This is an Online Coaching Program where you’ll be working closely with an Online Personal Trainer AND a Dietitian – all done through our app and video and phone calls.

You will get a customized workout program that will focus on different goals at different times during the program; before starting you and your trainer go over specifics and map out your plan.

You will also get a customized nutrition program by working with a Dietitian; similar to working with your trainer, you will go over specifics and map out your plan in the first week with the Dietitian.

Upcoming Program Start Date

Jan 13

You can do an 8 or 14-week program, offered at the second week of January, March, and September:

  • Start Dates
  • Jan 13, 2025
  • March 10, 2025
  • Sep 15, 2025

Registration is available throughout the year, spots are first come first serve basis (with confirmed payment). A wait list will be created when the program is full.

This IS For You If:

  • You want to make a significant body composition change (lose fat, build muscle), and/or you want to feel better about your physique – no weight change necessary. All while not spending hours in the gym each day.
  • You want to push yourself and see what you can achieve in 8 or 14 weeks; we’re going to challenge you to push yourself out of your comfort zone
  • You desire a targeted approach for losing fat and building muscle
  • You want to work closely with a Dietitian and a Personal Trainer
  • You need ideas for practical and easy to make recipes, that are healthy and also taste good
  • You have access to, at minimum, a set of dumbbells and a workout bench (gym, or home gym)

This Is NOT For You If:

  • You’re someone that only associates a good workout with you leaving the gym drenched in sweat, limping to your vehicle, and being sore the next 24-48hrs; it’s possible to get results without all of this
  • You’re someone that wants a new workout every time they go to the gym; from our experience the best results come from simplicity, repetition, and progressively changing things over time
  • You are not tech-literate, this program is online where we’ll heavily be using a smartphone app and computer (eg. Zoom, email) for the delivery and communication
  • If you don’t want to work on your nutrition – this is a workout and nutrition program
  • If you’re new to the gym or working out, you need some prior technical understanding of how to perform various exercises; In-Person Training is likely better suited for you
  • You are not self-motivated
  • Are not willing to invest in yourself; these changes don’t happen overnight, they take time and dedication
  • Your schedule does not allow for 3 workouts per week

We would share transformations of previous people who have done this program, however Mike is a member of the College of Dietitians of Alberta and it is not legal for us to post individual client transformations. Further:

  1.  We don’t want to give the impression that having a smaller body is better
  2. A smaller client doesn’t equal a great coach, Illness – or unsustainable unhealthy habits – can do the same thing

More Program Specifics:


Like mentioned earlier, there are two program lengths:

  • 8 weeks
  • 14 weeks
  • Start Dates
  • Jan 13, 2025
  • March 10, 2025
  • Sep 15, 2025

Workout Program

Everyone’s workout program and program focus will be a little different. Before starting your program you and your Personal Trainer map out your plan and what you’d like to focus on when (eg. Fat loss, building muscle).

Here are some example set ups:

  • Weeks 1-3

  • Weeks 4-5
  • Weeks 6-8
  • Weeks 9-10
  • Weeks 11-14
  • Maximum Fat Loss
  • Fat Loss
  • Build Muscle / Strength
  • Fat Loss
  • Build Muscle / Strength
  • Fat Loss
  • Maximum Muscle
  • Build Muscle
  • Build Muscle
  • Build Muscle
  • Fat Loss
  • Build Muscle

Explanation for the above sample Maximum Fat Loss set up having two 2-week breaks: we’ve found it best to focus on fat loss for 3 weeks or less, then take 1-2 week breaks where you increase calories and take a break from dieting. These weeks can be strategically placed around socials and other times where it might be challenging to eat more strictly.


Throughout working with your Personal Trainer they will modify everything to your skill level, training limitations, and equipment you have available to you- minimum we ask is that you have a set of dumbbells and a bench.

Nutrition Program

You will work with a Dietitian to create nutrition plan that supports the plan set out between you and the Personal Trainer. Necessary resources will be provided (eg. Meal Plan, recipes, etc.), and changes to those programs will be made as needed throughout the program. How you decide to track your nutrition during the program will be decided after your first meeting with the Dietitian.

Your Coaches.

The coaches are responsible for coaching and customizing your workout and nutrition plans, answering any questions you have, and keeping you accountable throughout the program.



Personal Trainer, Registered Dietitian

Mike is one of the Personal Trainers, and is the program Dietitian.



Personal Trainer

Jackie is one of the Personal Trainers for this program.



Personal Trainer

Chris is one of the Personal Trainers for this program.

Why Do This Program?

Aside from all of the personal and health benefits you could get from doing this program, there are a few specific benefits:

1. Challenge

We usually coach from a long-term sustainability standpoint, but because this is a set duration we’re going to push you out of your comfort zone and get you to do more than you normally would.

2. Commitment & Accountability

This program is a set duration, which can enhance your dedication both to a goal and a supportive partner. Our program not only offers structured accountability but also ensures regular communication through our dedicated smartphone app. This tool allows your Personal Trainer or Dietitian to monitor your progress, including workout details and nutritional tracking. The app facilitates consistent check-ins to verify your adherence to the plan, complemented by scheduled phone calls throughout the program.

3. Value

The features you get with this program are similar to one of our Online Personal Training plans while also working with a Dietitian, but the investment to you is less.

Further, when you’re done the program you’ll be able to continue working 1-on-1 with your Personal Trainer for a discounted rate.

4. Good Timing

The program dates reflect when we get contacted most by people to start working with us; Second week in January is when people have new year health and fitness goals; 2nd week in March when people like to prepare for lake in summer; second week of September is when people are ready to get back on track with their health and fitness (the summer is over, kids are going back to school, and they’re back to a more regular schedule).

What Makes This Program Unique?

1. Customization
This isn’t a template program. Rather, before starting your program you and your Personal Trainer will map out your 8 or 14 weeks (what to focus on when, fat loss or building muscle). Then they will make a customized workout program to support that plan, modifying everything to your skill level, training limitations, and equipment you have available to you.Similarly, a Dietitian will also work with you to create a customized nutrition program.

2. Comprehensive Support
At any time within the app you can message your Personal Trainer questions.

3. Expertise
You get the combined expertise of a registered dietitian and personal trainer, both essential for optimizing results with fat loss and muscle building.

Claim Your Spot

Click on the button below to fill out an interest form and we’ll send you more information – more program specifics, personal investment required, and let you know if there is room.

Like mentioned earlier we would share transformations of previous people who have done this program, however Mike is a member of the College of Dietitians of Alberta and it is not legal for us to post individual client transformations. Further, like mentioned earlier:

  1.  We don’t want to give the impression that having a smaller body is better
  2. A smaller client doesn’t equal a great coach, Illness – or unsustainable unhealthy habits – can do the same thing

FAQs (click link below to open):


Ask us any questions you have by clicking on the button below.